The Talent Talk

Fine Line Between Anxiety & Excitement in Your Career

Enjoy The Journey 

My content journey has been a wild ride and am thrilled it led me to writing. I am now the author of "The Talent Talk", and I absolutely love it! I am constantly pushing myself to step outside of my comfort zone, and I'm excited to put my thoughts down on screen. Am I the next Hemingway! Highly unlikely & I hate cats, but time will tell.

The focus of "The Talent Talk" will always be my take around several topics including but not limited to navigating the job market, interview preparation, LinkedIn, career advancement, and the mental aspect of the corporate world. I have eight years of talent acquisition experience, to provide insights that are both informed and relatable.

Throughout my career, I have encountered both successes and setbacks, and have spoken with thousands of job seekers. These experiences have allowed me to witness firsthand the highs and lows of the corporate world, and to share stories of horror and success.

My hope is that sharing my insights and experience will help others who may be navigating relatable challenges.

Let the Journey Begin!

The Fine Line Between Anxiety & Excitement: The Mental Shift for Success

Am I a mental health expert? No! Have I interviewed thousands of candidates? Yes! I actually know very little about how the brain actually works. What I do know is how powerful the mental game is in anything that you do. Why? Because I've lived it.

Bear with me, and I will end this strong. But first, let me take you through my thought process on the power of the mind.

At the age of nine, I remember picking up a hockey stick for the first time and thinking about nothing more than what NHL player I was going to be that day. Mentally preparing for the Stanley Cup street game taking place with the neighborhood kids. Over time, these thoughts turned into passions and dreams. The only thought as a nine-year-old was that one day, I would be playing in the NHL. It didn’t matter if I scored nine goals or zero that day in the street. I knew I was going to play in the NHL, and it was pure excitement. There were no "what ifs" or disbeliefs… It was going to happen! The mental aspect of a child is powerful, but why and when does this thought process get lost? For me, somewhere between the ages of nine and twenty-eight, when my professional hockey career came to an end, it was lost. I have spent countless hours trying to figure out when and what caused the change. Was it when I moved away from home at 16 years old, received my first of nine concussions, was it when I was benched in college for “playing too hard”, or was it when I was sent down from the AHL after camp? The point here is that somewhere in everyone’s life, the change happens excitement turns to anxiety or so we think. But what is anxiety? At what point did we start to believe that anxiety was not excitement?

I've spent some time thinking about this, and what I have come up with is that your mind is not programmed for anxiety until you let self-doubt enter. At some point in your life, you allow this to happen, and from that point on, all you can do is work to control it. So, how do you control it? With preparation. Preparation builds confidence, and confidence turns anxiety into excitement! A lot of things in my life I did without having the time to prepare, hence my mind allowed the fear of the unknown to enter, slowly turning the excitement of what is to come into the anxiety of what may not come.

Once my playing career ended abruptly, I was left again with the decision of what to do next and had no idea what the future held. I found agency recruiting, eight years ago, and knew zero about the industry. My first six months of recruitment was met with high anxiety about whether I would make it and whether I could be successful in this career. After six months, I asked myself, "What am I not doing to let this anxiety happen?" The only thing I could fall back on was preparation. I was doing nothing but showing up to work, hoping one day I would figure it out. I remember asking my mentor at the time for a suggestion on a book to help take a deeper dive into recruitment. From the moment I picked up the book, I was locked in and began immersing myself in the industry. I watched YouTube videos, listened to podcasts, asked questions, and had daily meetings with mentors. Within three years, I was building a training program from the ground up to help entry-level recruiters master full-cycle recruitment. I have trained over 100 recruiters many who are still in the industry today! Preparation takes over!

Time To Bring it Home!

Through my experience in the recruitment industry, I have witnessed many individuals let self-doubt and anxiety hold them back from achieving success. They focus on the negative outcomes rather than taking action to prepare and build their confidence. It's easy to get overwhelmed and let anxiety take over, but it's important to understand that it's a natural response to the unknown. It's up to us to recognize it and take steps to prepare ourselves for what's to come.

Preparation builds confidence, which turns anxiety into excitement. This principle applies to any field, industry, or life situation. When you prepare thoroughly, you are less likely to feel anxious about the outcome, because you know you have done everything in your power to set yourself up for success.

The power of the mind and the mental game is not just for athletes or high-performance individuals. It's a concept that can be applied to any area of life, from personal growth to career development. It's about recognizing the potential of your mind and using it to your advantage, rather than allowing it to hold you back. By taking the time to prepare ourselves and build our confidence, we can turn anxiety into excitement and achieve the success we desire.

Cracking the Code: Mastering Interview Questions with Authenticity and Preparation

We have all been in situations where we have battled through situational or personality questions, searching for a story on the spot that we feel can best relate to the question. There is often a moment of silence as we stare off into space, searching for an answer that makes the most sense. Then an idea hits us: 'We'll make one up.' We try to come up with ideas to add to the story as we go, but sometimes we get lost and look for a way to make a strong ending. We may even ask the interviewer, who looks puzzled, if they would like us to elaborate further.

Listen, I get it. These questions can throw anyone for a loop. But being true to yourself is the only option here. Preparation is key. Take the time before walking into a job interview to prepare.

99% of the time, the interviewer or hiring manager may not even care about your actual answer, but how you are able to articulate it. Rule #1 is to stay away from negativity. Do not bring negativity into your answer. Negativity is contagious, and companies work hard to build cultures, so they are more concerned with protecting this environment.

Remember, 'With every hire, an organizational culture will get stronger or weaker.' Keep that in mind

Structuring Your Answer

“Why do you want to leave your current position?”

In my honest opinion this question is pointless. Why as an Interviewer would you want your candidate to start asking themselves these questions. “Don't you want me to work for you? Why does my answer matter? “I’m here aren’t I!" But here's the thing, this question is designed to test your response. The interviewer or hiring manager already knows that you want to leave your current role since you are sitting in front of them. It's rare for someone to leave a position they are happy with, so be mindful of your answer. Regardless of your frustrations and anger with your employer, keep your negative comments to a minimum.

Now, I'm not saying you should hide your true reason for leaving but try to put a positive spin on your answer. Focus on the future and emphasize the positive aspects of the new opportunity rather than the negative aspects of your current job. For example, you could say something like, 'While I've gained valuable experience at my current job, I'm looking for a new opportunity where I can continue to grow and develop my skills in a more supportive environment.' Remember not to sound like a robot, but I think you get the point.

Many times, this question will be asked early in the interview, and it can set the tone for the rest of the conversation. So, it's important to prepare your answer beforehand.

Basic Interview Prep Research Template

We are all invincible & confident! I get it! But you can NOT walk into a Job Interview blind and hope for the best. That’s a surefire way to fail.

Doing your research shows that you’re prepared, you’re willing to put in the work, and that you’re serious about this opportunity. It also gives you an edge over your competition.

If you can turn your job interview into a conversation, you have already won! The only way you can accomplish this is with research & finding talking points in 3 main areas. Company, Position, & Interviewer. Below is a template to help you organize this information.

Company Research:

  • Company Name:

  • Company Industry:

  • Company Mission Statement:

  • Company History:

  • Recent News/Press Release:

  • Products/Services offered:

  • Company Culture/Core values:

  • Competitors:

Interviewer Research:

  • Interview Name:

  • Interview Role/Position:

  • Professional Background:

  • LinkedIn Profile, Facebook, Instagram (Find a personable relatable topic):

  • Common Connections:

  • Personal Interest:

Position Research:

  • Position Title:

  • Job Description:

  • Required Skills:

  • Duties & Responsibilities:

  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators):

  • Target Salary Range (Know your worth & research before going in):

Keep Pushing Comfort Zones

I will leave you with this, no matter where you are in life, or what path you are currently on, this is that one thing that can help you unlock your full potential and achieve things you never thought were possible.

When you challenge yourself, you open yourself up to a world of new possibilities. You'll find that you are capable of so much more than you ever thought possible. And while the benefits may not be immediately noticeable on the surface, they will become crystal clear when you look back on your journey.